Tuesday 25 October 2011

Lesson of the Day

Do not put wax paper in the oven!

I was getting ready to make cupcakes for my son's Halloween Party.  It is not until tomorrow, so I thought I'd make the cupcakes on Monday night and ice and decorate them on tonight.  Yes, I was planning in advance!  (doesn't happen that often!)  Well, I had run out of muffin liners, and I did not want to go to the store.  I looked online for alternatives.  I found a webpage where someone had used parchment paper and folded it a fancy way.  I thought, hey, I can use wax paper and do that too!  I put them in the oven, and after about 8 minutes, I was smelling wax.  I went to the oven, opened it, and smoke was coming out.  I ran to the computer and asked Google if I could put wax paper in the oven.  No, you cannot! 

I had to use the rest of the batter to make a cake. 

Tonight I am making the cupcakes.  Pictures to come!


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